
  • Letter to the Secretary General of the Council of Europe

    September 2024 (PDF, 197 KB)

    Occasion: Start of the first term of Mr Alain Berset as Secretary General of the Council of Europe

    This document contains five points CURE would like Mr Alain Berset, the new Secretary General of the Council of Europe, to focus on in his work in first place. They relate to the accountability for crimes of aggression committed in Europe, the ECHR system, implementation of judgements of the European Court of Human Rights, space for European civil society and cooperation with civil societies from non-members of the Council of Europe.

  • Summary of the Online Event “SG for StronG: what is the role of the Secretary General and civil society” with the candidates to the post of CoE Secretary General

    June 2024 (PDF, 298 KB)

    Occasion: Online session with three candidates for the post of Secretary General of the Council of Europe on 27 May 2024

    This document is a summary of the answers given by Alain Berset, Didier Reynders and Indrek Saar to the wide variety of questions raised by CURE and by the audience during the event. This report includes the strategies presented by the candidates for addressing various human rights concerns. The topics cover issues such as the future of the CoE, respect of the ECtHR judgments, youth involvement, climate change, violence against women and more.

  • Answers to Written Questions by Three Candidates for the Post of the CoE's Secretary General

    May 2024 (PDF, 381 KB)

    Occasion: Online session with three candidates for the post of the CoE's Secretary General on 27 May 2024

    Ahead of the online event, the Conference of INGOs of the Council of Europe and CURE has asked Alain Berset, Didier Reynders and Indrek Saar questions on their priorities and strategies if elected. This document compiles all the questions and the candidates' written responses, providing insights into what they consider to be issues of primary concern. The topics include, among others, the candidates' approaches to strengthening the collaboration with civil society, implementation of the Reykjavík Declaration, collaboration with the European Union and member states' failure to implement CoE standards.  

  • Submission to the PACE Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights

    April 2024 (PDF, 712 KB)

    Occasion: Preparation of the Report "Civil Society and the Parliamentary Assembly: Towards Greater Transparency and Engagement"

    In the paper, CURE expresses its appreciation that PACE is open to cooperation with civil society. On the other side, the document mentions worrisome recent restrictions imposed on NGOs and civic initiatives. Subsequently, it determines five areas where improvement is needed.

  • Civil Society Evaluation of Implementation of the Reykjavík Summit Commitments

    March 2024 (PDF, 445 KB)

    Occasion: Committee of Ministers' Meeting on 5 April 2024 and 75th Anniversary of the Council of Europe

    This CURE report concentrating on six selected focus areas evaluates the state of implementation of the Reykjavík commitments one year after the Summit of Heads of State and Government and should complement an official report on the follow-up to be presented by the Committee of Ministers.

    This evaluation takes into account the input provided by representatives of civil society organisations and scholars closely cooperating with the CoE, who in 2023 took part in the Civil Society Summit and in preparing The Hague Declaration on Council of Europe Reform.

  • Summary of the Online Event “The Final Three for Human Rights” with the candidates to the CoE Commissioner for Human Rights

    January 2024 (PDF, 373 KB)

    Occasion: CURE online session with the shortlisted candidates to the post of CoE Commissioner for Human Rights on 17 January 2024

    This document summarises the answers of Meglena Kuneva, Manfred Nowak, and Michael O´Flaherty to the numerous questions asked by CURE and the audience. The candidates explained to over 200 participants from civil society their envisaged approach to a wide range of human rights issues to be tackled during their mandate, such as democratic backsliding, member states’ failure to implement ECHR judgements and other CoE commitments, and discrimination against women, the LGBTQ+ community, asylum seekers, and other marginalized groups.

  • Answers to CURE’s written questions by the three candidates to the post of CoE Commissioner for Human Rights

    January 2024 (PDF, 223 KB)

    Occasion: CURE online session with the shortlisted candidates to the post of CoE Commissioner for Human Rights on 17 January 2024

    In preparation to the online event, CURE has asked the candidates Meglena Kuneva, Manfred Nowak, and Michael O´Flaherty questions on their priorities and envisaged strategies when elected. This document includes all questions and written answers by the candidates. It gives insights into, among others, their approaches to the further development of the Commissioner’s mandate, to the collaboration with the Committee of Ministers and PACE, and to external communication with civil society.

  • Council of Europe Engagement with Civil Society: Call for a Genuine and Comprehensive Review

    November 2023 (PDF, 599 KB)

    Occasion: Committee of Ministers (Human Rights) Meeting on 5-7 December 2023

    This document takes into consideration the Reykjavík Declaration with its call for “a review and further reinforcement of the Organisation’s outreach to, and meaningful engagement with, civil society organisations and national human rights institutions.” It argues that a substantial review of the field is needed, which cannot be replaced by either the Secretary General's roadmap or the evaluation by the Directorate of Internal Oversight.

  • Living up to the Reykjavik Summit’s Promise: The Need for Extra Resources for the Council of Europe (Updated Version)

    October 2023 (PDF, 206 KB)

    Occasion: Committee of Ministers (Budget) Meeting on 21-23 November 2023

    This document was prepared in anticipation of the Committee of Ministers (Budget) Meeting held on 21-23 November 2023. Addressing the Committee of Ministers, the paper discusses the proposed increase to the Council of Europe 2024 budget, urging the member states to support the proposal, due to its necessity and relevance for the implementation of the Reykjavík Declaration.

  • Civil Society and the Council of Europe

    September 2023 (PDF, 152 KB)

    Occasion: CoE Secretary General’s meeting with civil society on 15 September 2023

    Emphasising the Reykjavik Summit’s commitment to reinforcing the Council of Europe’s outreach to civil society, this discussion paper uncovers the specific improvements that can be achieved in this dual relationship. Input on standard-setting, standard implementation, protection of civil space and building up support for the Council are outlined as the primary modes of improvement for the future.

  • Follow-up of the Reykjavík Summit of the Council of Europe

    May 2023 (PDF, 291 KB)

    Occasion: Evaluation of outcome of the Reykhavík Summit in May 2023

    Following up immediately on the Reykjavík Summit, this working paper by CURE looks at the outcome of the event from the perspective of ten points covered by The Hague Civil Society Declaration. Issues include but are not limited to Russia’s accountability for the invasion of Ukraine, gender equality, environment and democracy.  

  • The Hague Civil Society Declaration on Council of Europe Reform (with explanatory notes)

    March 2023 (PDF, 1,052 KB)

    Occasion: Outcome document of the Civil Society Summit on CoE reform in the Hague (28 February – 1 March 2023)

    This declaration is the main outcome document of the Civil Society Summit on Council of Europe reform that was held in the Hague between 28 February and 1 March 2023. The event, organised and convened by CURE and the Conference of INGOs, resulted in the present declaration laying out and explaining ten specific courses of action for the member states of the Council of Europe. This version of the document includes explanatory notes.

  • Statement by the CoE Civil Society Summit on the Role of the Council of Europe in Ensuring Accountability for War Crimes Committed by Russia in Ukraine

    March 2023 (PDF, 92 KB)

    Occasion: Civil Society Summit on CoE reform in the Hague (28 February – 1 March 2023)

    This statement, developed by Council of Europe Civil Society Summit (CSS), expresses the considerations of the CSS participants on the international crimes committed by Russia in Ukraine. Addressing the Council of Europe’s member states, governing bodies, as well as the general international community, the document urges the need to, among other things, ensure a comprehensive system of accountability for breaches of international law.

  • Statement by the CoE Civil Society Summit on the Situation in Turkey

    March 2023 (PDF, 476 KB)

    Occasion: Civil Society Summit on CoE reform in the Hague (28 February – 1 March 2023)

    This statement, developed by the Council of Europe Civil Society Summit (CSS), notes the necessary courses of action for several bodies of the Council of Europe regarding the situation in Turkey. In particular, some points address the Committee of Ministers and the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe.

  • Recommendations on Engagement of the Council of Europe with the Russian Civil Society

    November 2022 (PDF, 592 KB)

    Occasion: Russia’s expulsion from the Council of Europe

    This document, developed in relation to the expulsion of Russia from the Council of Europe, outlines seven important recommendations from CURE regarding the Council’s engagement with Russian civil society. Among other things, the document calls the Committee of Ministers and the member states to refrain from focusing exclusively on Russian civil society in exile and  excluding Russia-based civil society actors from their scope of work.

  • Input for the High-Level Reflection Group of the Council of Europe

    July 2022 (PDF, 364 KB)

    Occasion: Request for an input by the High-Level Reflection Group

    This short paper, developed for the consideration of the High-Level Reflection Group, contains three major areas of action aimed at supporting the Council of Europe: (1)  strengthening the ECHR system, including strengthening the implementation of ECtHR judgements; (2) preventing democratic and rule of law backsliding in CoE member states; (3) increasing engagement with European civil society.

  • Discussion Paper on the Future of the Council of Europe

    May 2022 (PDF, 302 KB)

    Occasion: 132nd session of the Committee of Ministers and civil society event in Turin
    (19 May 2022)

    This document is a discussion paper produced by CURE for its civil society event in Turin on 19 May 2022, on the eve of the 132nd Session of the Committee of Ministers. The paper develops several considerations on how in the medium- to long-term perspective, the Council of Europe can more effectively protect human rights and democracy in Europe, drawing lessons from the political trend towards an autocratic fallback.

  • Proposals to the Committee of Ministers on the Council of Europe’s Actions Following Russia’s Aggression against Ukraine and Its Expulsion from the Organisation

    April 2022 (PDF, 799 KB)

    Occasion: Response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in preparation for the 132nd session of the Committee of Ministers

    This briefing paper, developed in anticipation of the 132nd session of the Committee of Ministers, expands on CURE’s earlier Open Letter to the Council of Europe bodies, published on 11 March 2022. The document elaborates further on the short- and medium-term proposals for the Council’s reaction to the invasion of Ukraine beyond the expulsion of Russia.

  • Open Letter by the CURE Campaign to the Council of Europe

    March 2022 (PDF, 147 KB)

    Occasion: Immediate response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine

    This open letter, addressed to the Council of Europe immediately after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, expresses the utmost condemnation of this act of aggression. Endorsing the firm position of the Committee of Ministers and the Council in general, CURE proposes several further actions beyond the expulsion of Russia from the Council.

  • CURE Manifesto

    January 2022 (PDF, 623 KB)

    Occasion: Start of the international Campaign to Uphold Rights in Europe

    This Manifesto announces the start of the international Campaign to Uphold Rights in Europe (CURE), aimed at making the Council of Europe more effective. It establishes the vision and mission of the initiative. Some specific issues of concern and steps CURE advocates for, as well as a full list of the founding members are also included there.

  • Strengthening the Ability of the Council of Europe to Pursue Its Mission and Restoring Its Credibility: Recommendations on Pertinent Reforms

    March 2021, Position Paper (PDF, 143 KB)

    Occasion: Upcoming 75th anniversary of the Council of Europe and several crises negatively affecting the credibility of the organisation

    This position paper, developed in the context of several credibility crises of the Council of Europe in 2014-2019, presents recommendations for pertinent reforms therein. Addressing the Committee of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Secretary General and the CoE member states, the document lays out specific recommendations in ten areas of work, where reform is argued to be necessary. The paper was issued in 2021 and formed the basis for the creation of CURE.
